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Qiao Ji Mandarin:  An After School Program​

Qiao Ji Mandarin school has been offering Mandarin language after-school study in San Francisco for more than a decade. We provide students with Authentic Chinese language study courses for students at the following SFUSD locations: Dianne Feinstein Elementary school, Lafayette elementary school, Starr King Elementary school, and Aptos Middle School. We also serve private schools at Lycée Francais and Millennium middle School. 


QiaoJi Mandarin school, is a local based resource after School programs, it is the perfect solution suitable for any students and families who value language training as a must have essential skill for facing the future challenges.

Our excellent academic language program is also a project based in a fun and nurturing environment.  

It is the most comprehensive K-5 international Mandarin Language program here, as well as our 6-8 Middle School Mandarin Language Study throughout San Francisco.We also provide private tutoring service.


Language is a learned skill. Qiao Ji Mandarin program incorporates Chinese philosophy, culture tradition and arts elements, teaching daily language expressions to help students master the language, our program is one hour a day and every day after school study. The  basic course material is 美洲华语 –American Chinese, the material content is not affiliated with any ideology purposes. Chinese language is spoken in PRC-Mainland China, TaiWan, HongKong, Singapore. Malaysia. 美洲华语 is also used by SFUSD Chinese immersion programs.


Qiao Ji Mandarin program teaches simplified form Chinese writing.

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本校目前所在三藩市公立学校的地址是:范士丹小学,拉菲耶小学和阿普陀斯中学。旧金山市私立法国侨胞学校, 千禧中学。桥济语言教育为小学设计每天课后一小时的基础语言训练教育。在学生完成一个从K到8年级语言基础教育的过程,学生们将具有所毕业的华语国际语言词汇量的标准中文语言基础。


语言能力是通过训练得来的。桥济语言学校的教育方针综合文化和历史以及哲学理念,付诸于学生动手的实践性的模拟体验,加强智力的发展。每位学生每年都必须掌握120个生字的基础积累。从读写听说四个语言训练基础出发。使用“美洲华语” 教材,此教程无与任何意识形态挂钩,我们也使用其它有效中文语言教育资源,补充教材的多元化教育,发展桥济中文语言教育自己的教育理念,让三藩市本土居民学生得到最大限度的语言学习体验。我们结合手工,歌舞和烹调之类的情景性体验模拟方式,使学生们得到最大限度的教育结果,最大限度地运用中文表达思维逻辑。


桥济学校的中文书写系统现在为简体中文书写。在自觉与不自觉的每天都有的语言环境下,学生们能够在社会环境中去适应三藩市多元文化的需求,诸如到饭馆点菜,识别街上招牌,读懂报纸之类的文化享受。中文书写分繁体中文和简体中文, 繁体中文主要在台湾,香港, 新加坡,马来西亚等国家使用。 简体中文是在1949年后,中华人民共和国成立后因扫盲运动需要的文字改革而出现的书写体系。




Our Policy


Parents and/or guardians are responsible for ensuring that their children do not disrupt the ability of other children to learn, or take too much time from the teachers who must pay equal attention to all students.


While the program is tailored to make reasonable accommodations for students with learning difficulties, the program cannot provide one-on-one individualized supervision.


Extended care is not provided, however parents are encouraged to contact with in your child's class for a pick up in the event of an emergency with prior authorization.


Please provide work, home and mobile phone numbers so that we can contact you.


Qiao Ji teachers will make sure taking students back to the after school site teachers or coordinators after class is finished.

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